Raymond vs raymond usher uploaded
Raymond vs raymond usher uploaded

She's also such a hypocrite talking about she doesn't play cyber games. I truly feel bad for Usher picking such an evil person to procreate with. This woman still hasn't changed a bit even after a near death experience of getting cosmetic surgery and nearly 2 years after a divorce. Since she swears gossip is what caused her marriage with Usher to fail she should know to take things with a grain of salt if she didn't hear what was said herself. Tameka being the childish immature nut that she is got the info all wrong from that Ms. All she said was that she heard he was good in bed but she WOULDN'T sleep with him since she's friends with him. What Kandi said about Usher wasn't even that serious. Tameka old haggard bitter ass is gonna mess with the wrong person one day over her Twitter bullshit and get severely embarrassed. she went from begging for a budge to songs placed here, here and here. so that explains how all of a sudden your songs were getting placed. Kandi at first repeatedly denied sleeping with JD, then finally admitted it recently. i already heard that chilli fucked whoever she needed to get to where she is, including LA Reid, hence his divorce. i think that's why chilli will only say so much then she shuts down. i think she wears that shit like a badge of honor like, yall dont want none cuz i know too much. I think tameka's dangerous because she knows so much about so many of these people having been a stylist.

raymond vs raymond usher uploaded raymond vs raymond usher uploaded

and with EVERY FEMALE who mentions his name? nobody's this testy over dick or pussy they aint getting no more. if she's that bent over him, a year after the divorce, i'm inclined to think they're still fucking and she's hoping daddy will come back home. Tameka's actually ok, as long as you dont mention usher. I knew someone would have it on their blog today. I dont think anyone knew what they were talking about, unless of course you saw the WWH and heard kandi's comment.

Raymond vs raymond usher uploaded